Software > T-Clock
tclock background not really transparent?
Just installed tclock and really loving it so far. My only gripe is this - I don't see how to make the clock background 100% transparent. Help?
Please see screenshot
Well it makes it "transparent"... Only issue: the underlying taskbar becomes visible that way... so it doesn't create a "hole" there...
By using the "default" color, it should have the same color as the rest of the taskbar.
Hey and thanks for the reply.
Sadly "default" makes it even more visible. I use TranslucentTB to make my taskbar clear. Any other thoughts what I might be doing wrong?
I would have to try TranslucentTB myself... it's either that their app doesn't support T-Clock or that T-Clock is doing its stuff in a "weird" and incompatible.. I'll see if I can fix it, otherwise you have to ask them to add support.
hmm... it seems to be rather a theme issue... in combination with TranslucentTB.
It's sadly not the first theme related issue and I haven't yet figured out to have T-Clock behave exactly like Windows does... it's not really documented.
I might be able to figure something out if you could name your Windows theme, but the odds aren't generally good...
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