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Gathering suggestions for improving region select mode


Region select mode seems one of the most common ways people use Screenshot Captor.

So I'm ready to make some improvements to the region select mode, including more hotkeys to do different things..
I'd like to hear some requests and suggestions.

Right now region select mode has the following features:
1. You can mouse-down and then drag and let go for the fastest way to capture a region.
2. You can click mouse once (or hit enter or spacebar) for one corner and then again on the second corner to select a region, using cursor keys* to adjust points, and escape to change your mind and go back to previous corner.

Current hotkeys:  Cursor keys by themselves nufge the current cursor pointer location, shift and alt can be used to move the other corner or the entire selection; C key toggles cursor capture AND places cursor (try it!); Z toggle zoom box.

Currently planned improvements:  Keyboard shortcuts in region mode to increase speed of nudging; hotkeys to cycle through some preset sizes.

I was also thinking about adding a simple way to allow region select mode to allow you to easily make a selection size and then move that selection around with the mouse.. Right now if you want to capture a specific size region you use a different capture mode, but it might be nice to merge the two.

Another thing I could do is show hints for the list of keyboard shortcuts for region select mode in the zoom panel overlay, to make it easier to remeber them..

Thoughts and further suggestions?

Another thing I could do is show hints for the list of keyboard shortcuts for region select mode in the zoom panel overlay, to make it easier to remeber them..

-mouser (February 13, 2018, 01:39 PM)
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Another thing I could do is show hints for the list of keyboard shortcuts for region select mode in the zoom panel overlay, to make it easier to remeber them..

-mouser (February 13, 2018, 01:39 PM)
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-cranioscopical (February 13, 2018, 09:54 PM)
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Agreed as long as they're minimal and don't get in the way of the region.  I don't use  anything other that the basics because I don't remember...

If you can get it to follow my eyes and highlight the area I look at that would be great :D

If you can get it to follow my eyes and highlight the area I look at that would be great :D
-dluby (February 16, 2018, 04:21 AM)
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We have already done "using voice recognition"

Wait for us to code to follow your eye. Problem is your stray look at the passing beauty is affecting our highlights :)




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