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How to get it to work with File2Folder?

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I'm new to this app and am absolutely not a coder and it seems to me that to be able to use it, one needs to have some grasp on at least some basic coding (which I don't!).

This app was recommended to me by some on a forum where I was requesting for a feature in an app called File2Folder. File2Folder does exactly creates a shell menu which allows you to then put your selected files into folders by right-clicking the file and selecting 'File2Folder' in the menu. The only problem is that it will do it one file at a time! In my case I have 100s of files I'd like to put into folders so I was told this app could help in doing that in one click.

If it is in fact possible, could I ask a kind soul tell me how to do that?
Thanks!  :)

Which "File2Folder" are you talking about?
Is it:
Or another?

I'm not sure, it's confusing because it's not the same thread where I had posted the same request and from which this app was suggested as a solution. So go here and you'll see my post and the replies to it:

chumbolito: help then I guess?  :-\

I'm not sure, it's confusing because it's not the same thread where I had posted the same request and from which this app was suggested as a solution. So go here and you'll see my post and the replies to it:
-chumbolito (February 16, 2018, 05:13 PM)
--- End quote ---
hi Chumbolito,
Skwire, who replied to your post at that link, is the author of Files2Folders
he recommended another app of his (instead of drag n drop robot) - did you have a look at that?


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