Software > N.A.N.Y. 2018
NANY 2019: Clicador- A simple and fast free auto clicker
Rename it to NANY 2019
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And we'll move it to the NANY 2019 board when that is created.
Great application... a few suggestions for improvements.
1. The ability to change the hotkey for activation/deactivation
2. The ability add drift or some other way to randomize where you click within an area. I'd imagine this feature gives a text box in which you specify a number of pixels (perhaps two text boxes - one for X and one for Y). The application then takes the X,Y position to click, and adds/subtracts a random number of pixels within the parameters specified, and adds that to the two to get the actual point to click. This would allow it to simulate a person clicking, as over time, a person isn't going to click the same pixel.
3. If you could spy the object on screen, you could also add the ability to click a specified object, and click within the confines of that object randomly. But I think that 2 would actually cover it- that would just be a nice to have.
Thanks again!
hugo nabais:
I'm completely redesigning Clicador. It will be basically a new application with lots of new features and a new way of working.
One of the main changes is the "mode" of clicking.
After reading the documentation on the user32.dll API, and performing lots of tests, I have found new ways to better simulate a click.
Including clicking inside applications without moving the mouse and without losing the focus of the application that you are working.
I will list here the new modes on the new version.
I ask if anyone has any suggestion about my grammar or about my items description:
1- Where the mouse is
2- Moving mouse to screen coordinate: X, Y
3- Without moving mouse at screen coordinate: X, Y
4- Inside application at "handle"coordinate: X, Y
Is every mode understandable?
Note: Regarding number 4, basically every window that a program opens has a unique handle, there will be a tool to select the handle that you want to click.
Number 4 mode will allow Clicador to click inside an application even if it is on the background, without moving mouse and without losing focus of current app!!
hugo nabais:
Clicador Version 2 completely redone.
New features:
- Much faster
- Several clicking modes
- Ability to click without moving mouse
- Ability to click inside applications!! Even if minimized!
- Allows saving and loading to files
- Change hotkey
- Allows multiple clicks at same time
- Allows random number at X and/or Y coordinates
It's not working properly for me.
I set it up to click inside an application at a specific X,Y coordinate, but it only clicks when my mouse is hovering over the application, and only where my mouse is, and it prevents that application from being the active window even if I manually click on it.
Hmm... I was just closing a bunch of windows because I was entertaining the idea of recording some footage of what was happening, and I closed the Task Manager and now I can make the application the active window. So somehow Clicador was making Task Manager not allow me to select the window.
But anyway, there are still at least two problems with it:
* It won't click in the application unless my mouse is hovering over the application window.
* It only clicks where my mouse cursor is instead of at the X,Y coordinate I told it to click at.
I also tried "without moving mouse at screen coordinate" and it exhibits the same behavior. It doesn't click at all unless my mouse is over the application, and it only clicks where the mouse cursor is instead of at the configured location.
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