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Screenshot hot keys not possible in MS IE 11 admin mode


Hi all,

Unfortunately, I have to use for one specific web appliation with plugins the MS IE internet explorer executed via administration mode. Then no hot keys like print screen, shit + print screen etc. are working. Nothing happens. If I use MS IE without administration mode then everything works fine.

MS IE 11 Version: 11.0.9600.18837.

Do you have any ideas how to solve the problem?
best regards,

IIRC the only solution for a run-as-admin app is to use the 'Quick Capture bar', which requires a mouse-click
In case you dont use it, you can activate it via tray menu context menu (default position is centre-top of screen)

Hi Tom,
thank you very much for your prompt reply. I found the Quick Capture Bar. It works. Is it a general problem for all screenshot tools which use hot keys or could I expect that this will be covered in a future screenshot captor release?
best regards,

It works. Is it a general problem for all screenshot tools which use hot keys or could I expect that this will be covered in a future screenshot captor release?
-screen_Don-Joe (January 13, 2018, 04:31 PM)
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hi Joe, I cant answer those -- I'm sure mouser (the author) will at some stage.
Welcome to dc by the way

Is it a general problem for all screenshot tools which use hot keys or could I expect that this will be covered in a future screenshot captor release?
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I don't know why it's happening, but I can't imagine it is anything but a general problem that would affect any screenshot or other programs that use hotkeys, and I don't think there is any way for screenshot captor itself to fix the issue.


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