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NANY 2018 Release: Constant Info

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... I made bold just to be more in your face, especially ...
-mat2016 (January 01, 2018, 09:03 AM)
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That will bring the 'attention value' in the same league as double confirmations (1st: 'do you want to delete this?' 2nd: 'are you really sure?'): they won't be noticed anymore, and only dismissed asap without reading/comprehending the message.

A useful feature would be a list of previous notifications (timestamped), easily accessible from the UI

... I made bold just to be more in your face, especially ...
-mat2016 (January 01, 2018, 09:03 AM)
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That will bring the 'attention value' in the same league as double confirmations (1st: 'do you want to delete this?' 2nd: 'are you really sure?'): they won't be noticed anymore, and only dismissed asap without reading/comprehending the message.
A useful feature would be a list of previous notifications (timestamped), easily accessible from the UI
-Ath (January 05, 2018, 06:25 AM)
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I always recommend putting up text in a 14-point solid black bold font, with a bright green background and flashing yellow highlight on the text - it is generally far more reliable at getting people's attention.
If a reader can't perceive that, then they would arguably already be blind anyway.

I will think about adding a list of missed or changed notices while users are away from their computer instead of the Bold CAPITAL message box. Just keep in mind I do give them the option to Suppress that message.

Thanks for the suggestions. There's 500 downloads on SoftPedia but no one is leaving comments. I'm open to any ideas for improvements.


I didn't see your post yesterday. It's difficult to disable the scrolling because who knows how long the text will be. I designed the program with IT Help Desks and other work groups in mind so they would have a visual indication of ongoing issues. My group at work does send out email alerts but sometimes issues are fixed long before another email is sent.

Users can right click any info item and Hide it. Once the last item has been hidden the scroll window will disappear.  If any item is then added or changed, the window will reappear.

Thanks for the response and explanations Mat


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