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delay IN sendkeys?


I have an app in java and my login is
{sendkeys}myname{SLEEP 1000}{TAB}password{ENTER}

I dont understand why I need "SLEEP". Sometimes the delay is bigger and I must to increase the miliseconds because it DOESN'T WORK SOMETIMES.

In other program, like AutoHotkeys ( I don't need this dirty trick.
In AutoHotkeys it's a simple:
    Send, myname{tab}password{enter}

and it works ALWAYS.

Hi Herchi,

Most probably the java app is processing slowly and this delay gives it time to focus at next get before input of the keyboard keys. I have encountered this type of scenario, not only in java but other languages too, and sleep does helps here. 



If you swap the {SLEEP 1000} and {TAB} around, then the Tab could start the 'on change' event that takes a little time, wait the 1000msec and then fill in the password.
Maybe that's a better timing model?

If you swap the {SLEEP 1000} and {TAB} around, then the Tab could start the 'on change' event that takes a little time, wait the 1000msec and then fill in the password.
Maybe that's a better timing model?
-Ath (January 15, 2018, 05:55 AM)
--- End quote ---
{sendkeys}myname{TAB}{SLEEP 1}password{ENTER}
it works ALWAYS. (with 1 in SLEEP). it's strange. Thanks :D

Well, actually it's not strange, but as to be expected:
old situation:
- type username
- wait awhile
- send tab-key and a password and enter-key all at once
== no time for processing

new situation:
- type username and leave field to trigger processing
- allow other processing to run by giving a time-slice back to the system by using sleep
- send password and enter-key so second field can be processed and login handled
== timing is no issue as all processing is allowed when required by the system

voila :)


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