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Special User Sections > DC Website Help and Extras

Official New DC Members Pages Thread

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Free table plugin that is highly regarded:

Does that look like it might suit your needs?

I appreciate your willingness to slog through something new.  Change is always painful.
-mouser (December 29, 2017, 05:22 AM)
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YW, when time permits, it's fun to try something new ;D

this is going to be a much better and long-term maintainable, and secure, solution for all dc member pages.
-mouser (December 29, 2017, 05:22 AM)
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I fully support the decision to switch to something better, for all the reasons mentioned :Thmbsup: It is indeed the transmigration process that can be tough, especially if no mechanical conversion is available/possible.

I'll think about that private domain, I already have a domain, but it's not related to software development, and I'm not sure I need another one. :-[

Free table plugin that is highly regarded:

Does that look like it might suit your needs?
-mouser (December 29, 2017, 05:45 AM)
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I saw that too when searching how to create a table in WP (wp is new to me...), and it looks very usable. Assuming it is 'backward compatible' with current tables on pages, it should be easy to adopt this ;)

Assuming it is 'backward compatible' with current tables on pages, it should be easy to adopt this
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It's not -- it looks like none of the table plugins are.

Basically with this plugin, and with the other ones I saw, you create a custom table object in a different area of your dashboard, and maintain all tables there.  And then you simply insert tables on pages or in posts by linking to them with shortcode like [table #4].

It's not -- it looks like none of the table plugins are.
-mouser (December 29, 2017, 06:17 AM)
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Aha, ok, we'll see how that goes.

I have migrated the wp network to our new official dc member server(!)

The new dc member server is online and the new member pages are ready to be created by those with (or who want) dcmember pages.
Message me for htaccess login credentials.


This is the real site -- just protected by htaccess until members have a bit of time to recreate their content on the new site.


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