Software > N.A.N.Y. 2018
NANY 2018 Release: Ready Bible Study v2.90
@mat2016: I would be very interested if you had the Watchman Nee New Testament Recovery Version with all of its cross-references. I have a hardcopy of that and have often thought that a a computerised version would be an ideal reference source.
The best such i have come across so far is: The Interfaith Explorer (FREE) - Mini-Review
I looked at the website for the Recovery Bible. I'm not sure if I can request that text. It's only New Testament so that would be interesting in itself to integrate into my application.
The site I looked at is: Recovery Bible
I looked at the website for the Recovery Bible. I'm not sure if I can request that text. It's only New Testament so that would be interesting in itself to integrate into my application.
The site I looked at is: Recovery Bible
-mat2016 (December 24, 2017, 11:35 AM)
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Yes, that is it. I am pleased that you took the trouble to go and look - and yes, it was a simple test, of sorts.
The Recovery Bible does not seem to have any particular religio-political bias, though I think its theological basis on the New Testament might deny the historically more recent Holy Trinity - i.e,., the Nicene Creed which was invented as dogma by the RC Church in about 325AD***, and thus which authenticity Islamism tends to protest about (with arguably good reason).
Note: ***
Nicene Creed /nVI"si;n, "nVI-/
ยท n. a formal statement of Christian belief, widely used in liturgies and based on that adopted at the first Council of Nicaea in 325.
Concise Oxford Dictionary (10th Ed.)
NB: This creed invented the dogma of the Holy Trinity, and, politically, it served a useful purpose for preserving the solidarity of the Church, at a time when a major schism may have been threatened.
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It has three Bible translations:
1) King James 1769
2) American King James 1999 (just a simple replacement of some 'archaic' words, mainly Thee, Thou, etc.)
3) Lexham English Bible 2012 (from Logos Bible software - more info)
There are several other free to use translations that I could make available.
-mat2016 (December 20, 2017, 06:46 PM)
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What do you/Lexham have for the word "meek" in the "meek shall inherit the earth..."?
This is only a fast note to get this post on the board, but I have been listening to Jordan Peterson for a week (stay with his psychology and some religion, and away from the poitical gadfly stuff!)
He remarked in a clip (now buried in my notes) that instead of "meek" as near "timid", one translation of the phrase comes out "those who have weapons and know how to use them, but then vow to keep them sheathed if at all possible" ... shall inherit the earth!
Quite a new direction to think about!
He remarked in a clip (now buried in my notes) that instead of "meek" as near "timid", one translation of the phrase comes out "those who have weapons and know how to use them, but then vow to keep them sheathed if at all possible" ... shall inherit the earth!
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I'm not sure about the meek keeping weapons ready but in this day and time it's probably a good idea. If you press ALT-T from the Mini View and search on meek you will find all relevant verses. Or from the Zoomed view, click the Topics tab and choose Meekness from the drop down list. Pressing F12 will rotate through the three Topical references.
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