Software > Screenshot Captor
Images pasted into onenote are half size
My DPI was originally set to 96. I set it to 75 and the images are still showing up tiny in Onenote.
-absoblogginlutely (February 28, 2018, 12:00 PM)
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was there no change at all?
try going the other direction: e.g. 140dpi
maybe even take a screenshot @96dpi
then change the dpi setting and take same shot again -- paste both into onenote and see what exactly the difference is, if any.
If none, you've at least completely ruled out that aspect.
I might be missing something here, but, if one pastes or clips an image to OneNote, then the image is draggable in size (grip via bottom RH corner)/ How it appears in OneNote is entirely controlled by the user.
The special effects of ScreenshotCaptor are a side-issue, and, again, controlled by the user.
^yeah, I guess unless the size of the images pasted in OneNote has changed recently, this is probably a OneNote thing. If pasting often I can see though why someone would prefer it pasted 'just right', as opposed to needing dragging to resize.
Here is my screenshots pasted into Onenote at 96 and 30 dpi for the top and bottom tomos' capture from this website, along with a screenshot of the entire website that was pasted into onenote with a ctrl-v after the screen was captured.As you can see the full page image is tiny compared to the small part of the screen that was captured.
Images pasted into onenote are half size
The webpage image looks the right size in Screenshotcaptor though and is totally readable.
Yes I can resize my images in Onenote, but when I have to do that for 50 images or more that gets pretty time consuming.
If I use the screen clipping tool then the image shows up at the correct size in onenote but obviously does not have the border and shadow or any other special effects that I might want to add such as annotating etc.
I'll see if I can find any resources on Onenote for this but I was hoping it was something I could fix in SC.
Here is my screenshots pasted into Onenote at 96 and 30 dpi for the top and bottom tomos' capture from this website, along with a screenshot of the entire website that was pasted into onenote with a ctrl-v after the screen was captured.As you can see the full page image is tiny compared to the small part of the screen that was captured.
-absoblogginlutely (March 20, 2018, 10:12 AM)
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so OneNote ignores dpi and auto-resizes the pasted image depending on the size of it...
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