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Latest Game Giveaway

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Oaken is free on GOG for the next couple of days:

Couldn't help but notice that the main contributor to this thread isn't receiving all too many thank you's for those contributions.

And: At GoG I have now almost 200 games in my collection...and I guess 45% of those games were obtained through notices like yours, Deozaan.

So you can believe me when I say: Many, many thanks!  :Thmbsup:

Thanks for mentioning it, Shades.  :)

I don't need or want thanks/praise every time I post here, as that would just clutter this thread. But it is nice to have feedback every so often so I know it's worth my time to keep going and I'm not just posting to the void. 😅

There have been a few times I've considered stopping posting to this thread because I wasn't sure my posts were useful to anyone.

This is a perfect example of where being able to add "reactions" or likes to posts would be a useful forum feature. That way people could signal appreciation without triggering email notifications to others who are subscribed to this thread for new posts about game giveaways.

You have my thanks as well.  I always check this thread when it pops up with a new reply. 

By the way, I don't usually mention it here because it's basically a weekly thing, but for those who don't know, there's a new set of games pretty much every week on Amazon which you can claim for free if you have Amazon Prime. Some redeem on GOG, some redeem on Epic, and some redeem on other things. And the redemption period is pretty generous. Each giveaway seems to last about 4-6 weeks, so if you forget to check a week or two, there's a good chance you won't miss out.

If I counted correctly there are 65 games being given away right now, including 32 games that can be redeemed on GOG, 16 on Epic, 16 on Amazon Gaming, and 1 on Legacy Games.

Not all are worth claiming, IMO, but there's probably something for just about everyone in the selection.


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