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Latest Game Giveaway

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If you have a subscription to Amazon Prime then Star Wars: Battlefront II (Classic, 2005) can be redeemed on GOG through Amazon Prime Gaming through the next ~30 days:

Once Upon a Jester is free on GOG for the next 2 days:

Return of the Phantom is free on GOG for the next 3 days.

Spirit of the North is free on Fanatical (as a Steam key) for the next few days.

In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the release of Half-Life 2, it's free (to keep) on Steam if you claim it in the next few days.

It has been updated to include various quality of life improvements, and also the two sequels Episode One and Episode Two are now included with the game and accessible from the main menu.

More details about the update can be found on the Half Life website.

And also other games in the series are on sale.


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