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freeware app to detect sensitive info in documents (doc, pdf)

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freeware app to detect sensitive info in ms office documents and other documents.

Do you know a good anyone?


Note :

hi Contro,
can you give more info in your posts please?
e.g. give us a quote of the relevant info from your link

hi Contro,
can you give more info in your posts please?
e.g. give us a quote of the relevant info from your link
-tomos (September 26, 2017, 08:17 AM)
--- End quote ---
Sorry Tomos.

May be a software able to detect and see metadata ?
A security program to be able to delete metadata, edit....

Like FOCA , but freeware

Please describe exactly what 'sensitive' means, related to the context that makes it sensitive. :-\

I think I will find something in sourceforge, but from my position the web is down.

I have to wait.
I tried metadata analyzer by Smart PC Solutions but adwcleaner detects three menaces...

freeware app to detect sensitive info in documents (doc, pdf)


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