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Does it work on Windows 10?

Should do.

Does it work on Windows 10?
-wraith808 (March 26, 2018, 03:00 PM)
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It does for me  :)

Does it work on Windows 10?
-wraith808 (March 26, 2018, 03:00 PM)
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It does for me  :)
-cranioscopical (March 26, 2018, 04:38 PM)
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Doesn't for me :(  Did you replace the assembly as you had to do for vista?

I don't think I did anything to it. I have v1.0.55 Oct 09 2006

BTW have you tried TheSage?
I was using it quite a bit (still do) until I managed to get around OUP's roadblocks and reinstall my local copy of the full Oxford English Dictionary. (OED has now moved to a subscription model which is slow enough to drive one even further along the path to total insanity.)


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