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Author Topic: GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website  (Read 7572 times)

Stoic Joker

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GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website
« on: June 27, 2017, 03:42 PM »
Okay got a bit of a weird one here. We have a client that wanted some coding done to their website that is hosted on GoDaddy. I loaded the site in several browsers (IE/Edge/FF) to check its behavior ... And it loaded fine. Then I connected to the CP to get the FTP access information, connected via FTP, and downloaded the site (~160MB) to work on locally. After which the site will no longer load in a browser from within the building.

Now I say "From within the building" for a reason. None of the computers behind our companies IP address can access the client's website any all. I can get to the CP.. I can get to the FTP.. I can ping the domain name and get a response from the sites correct IP address... But it won't load in any web browser, on any machine, running any OS, from anywhere in the building ... However it will load just fine on my phone...if I get off of the companies wireless network. :huh:

So... WTF did I pissoff on GoDaddy's hosting system that caused it to (apparently...) blacklist the companies IP address??? There is an IP Blocklist option in the PC...but it doesn't list - us as blocked - anything useful.

So has anyone ever heard of or seen this kind of crazy assed shenanigans from a web host before?? I've got a gun-to-my-head deadline and really need to get past this..

Thanks in Advance,

Stoic Joker


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Re: GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2017, 05:04 PM »
I'd say quit trying to figure it out, and contact them.

Stoic Joker

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Re: GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2017, 05:48 PM »
I'd say quit trying to figure it out, and contact them.

That's on tomorrow's to-do list. But it's compounded by the fact I'll be calling on behalf of the client, and will possible need to engineer my way past GD support identity verification ... Assuming they have any.

So I was hoping there was an alternate (configuration based) option that I could get at more easily ... Since I have CP access to the account.

Normally I'm quite good at the SE type stuff, but lately the office environment has turned into a constantly toxic epic shit-storm. So I - like most of the staff - spend most of my days stressed to the max because the owner has turned into the vitriolic red queen from Alice in Wonderland prowling the office looking for something/anything to scream at or about. *Shrug* It's really just too fucking hard to think straight in that type of atmosphere. But I'd like to get this client's project done before I completely shutdown and start focusing on looking for another job.

(Assuming you've seen the commercial) PW: Ihatemyjob1  :D


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Re: GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2017, 07:00 PM »
Sometimes the blacklisting tools are just there to temporarily block an ip for a few minutes -- you might just want to check it again in a bit.


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Re: GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2017, 07:12 PM »
I'd say quit trying to figure it out, and contact them.

That's on tomorrow's to-do list. But it's compounded by the fact I'll be calling on behalf of the client, and will possible need to engineer my way past GD support identity verification ... Assuming they have any.

So I was hoping there was an alternate (configuration based) option that I could get at more easily ... Since I have CP access to the account.

Normally I'm quite good at the SE type stuff, but lately the office environment has turned into a constantly toxic epic shit-storm. So I - like most of the staff - spend most of my days stressed to the max because the owner has turned into the vitriolic red queen from Alice in Wonderland prowling the office looking for something/anything to scream at or about. *Shrug* It's really just too fucking hard to think straight in that type of atmosphere. But I'd like to get this client's project done before I completely shutdown and start focusing on looking for another job.

(Assuming you've seen the commercial) PW: Ihatemyjob1  :D

Sounds pretty bad.  Sorry I couldn't be more help; when I had a similar problem, one time it was the firewall on the server, so they had to correct it, and the other time it was the firewall in the company.  Have you checked that?

Stoic Joker

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Re: GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2017, 06:27 AM »
Sometimes the blacklisting tools are just there to temporarily block an ip for a few minutes -- you might just want to check it again in a bit.

That was my initial hope as well, but... This went down late Monday morning, and it still blocking us.

This is why I keep telling people I suck at optimism.. :D

I'd say quit trying to figure it out, and contact them.

That's on tomorrow's to-do list. But it's compounded by the fact I'll be calling on behalf of the client, and will possible need to engineer my way past GD support identity verification ... Assuming they have any.

So I was hoping there was an alternate (configuration based) option that I could get at more easily ... Since I have CP access to the account.

Normally I'm quite good at the SE type stuff, but lately the office environment has turned into a constantly toxic epic shit-storm. So I - like most of the staff - spend most of my days stressed to the max because the owner has turned into the vitriolic red queen from Alice in Wonderland prowling the office looking for something/anything to scream at or about. *Shrug* It's really just too fucking hard to think straight in that type of atmosphere. But I'd like to get this client's project done before I completely shutdown and start focusing on looking for another job.

(Assuming you've seen the commercial) PW: Ihatemyjob1  :D

Sounds pretty bad.  Sorry I couldn't be more help; when I had a similar problem, one time it was the firewall on the server, so they had to correct it, and the other time it was the firewall in the company.  Have you checked that?

That pretty much was my Tuesday - vetting all our internal systems to ensure we weren't our own problem ... And we ain't.

*Shrug*  :) Fuck.

Stoic Joker

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Re: GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2017, 02:15 PM »
Update: Spoke to an incredibly nice young lady for about an hour that unfortunately didn't have a clue what the problem was, but was quite enthusiastic about setting about finding an answer. <- and I do mean that sincerely - She never touched "the flow chart" once!)

She went back and forth several times with their other internal staff who insisted that it wasn't possible ... But they did try finding "things to check" ... and finally "Assured" us that our companies IP Address was not being blocked by anything on their end ... Which is bullshit.

As a final proof of concept demonstration I added a rule in our edge router that forced all of the outbound web request traffic coming from my internal workstation only to one of our other public IP addresses (we have 16 total).

And surprise surprise the site loads just fine ... For. Me. Only... Everything else in the building still behind the old IP address is unable to access the site ... Because it has been -(bloody obviously)- blacklisted by something somewhere on their end.

Unfortunately by this point I was already off the phone - and so am back to being sunk - unless I get a callback from them after Emailing her the results of the aforementioned test.



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Re: GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2017, 06:47 PM »
I once had a site hosted by some cheap-ass company that had an automatic temporary block that would be activated by any IP address that made "too many" requests to their server within too short of a period of time. And it didn't discriminate between viewing pages in a browser and downloading a copy of the site via FTP. So, making a backup of the site would result in my not being able to access it again till the following day. And even worse, I also ended up temporarily blocked from even accessing the web host's support forum, so it was awhile before I could figure out what the problem was. I was eventually told that uploading the site wouldn't trip the block, but downloading the whole thing again could, if it were more than 20 files.

But if something stupid like that were in place at Go Daddy, wouldn't their support people know about it?

Stoic Joker

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Re: GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2017, 03:41 PM »
But if something stupid like that were in place at Go Daddy, wouldn't their support people know about it?

Apparently not...

I finally just gave up and continued development from behind the alternate IP without incident. I checked every now and then for about a month and it was still blocking the original IP. However as your post just reminded me of the (almost forgotten) issue, I checked again just now. And it appears that the mysteriously unknown blocking thing has finally been lifted.

So... Let's just say you fixed it and move on.. :D


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Re: GoDaddy Blocking Access to Website
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2017, 11:31 PM »
So... Let's just say you fixed it and move on.. :D