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A Free And Instant Logo App, DesignEvo
For small web/online shop owners, DesignEvo Logo Maker is not a bad choice to create a proper & nice-looking logo.
It's easy to run it and fast to make a logo. Best of best is that it's FREE.
App Page:
Based on the Malware report on CCleaner, there is a trend of deleting unsafe software on computer. As a normal computer user, I'd like to choose online apps over installers. :(
Can you please disclose your relation to the product or the makers? This now feels like an advertisement, and can possibly be classified as unwanted/spam.
Can you please disclose your relation to the product or the makers? This now feels like an advertisement, and can possibly be classified as unwanted/spam.
-Ath (September 21, 2017, 06:55 AM)
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:-[ I'm a user of designevo and IDK how to disclose my relation. :tellme:
If you asked my job, fine, I'm running a small coffee shop!
It's an 100%-free tool just like GIMP. Before using this tool, I just know tailorbrand from Youtube, which is more complicated to remake a coffee logo. I think many people will like to know it. :-\
The reason Ath asks is because there are so many cases where people post about a product and have some financial (or other bias) motivation to promote a product. So it's important that when anyone on the forum recommends a product, they make very clear if they have any relationship with the company or any other motivation for recommending the product, or any reason to be biased about it (relative invented it, etc.).
Unlike many sites, we actually do have a section where we allow authors to announce products that they have created -- our rules simply require full disclosure and posting in the right place.
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