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Printer printing fuzzy

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If replacing the ink cartridges doesn't solve the issue, follow mousers steps in replacing the entire printer (same model if available/possible so you can re-use the cartidges). That class of (Canon) printers can't be repaired within reasonable cost (less than a new printer) so it should be regarded as total-loss.

Stoic Joker:
The most practical cure for a fuzzy ink jet printer these days is:

* Unplug the inkjet printer
* Place fingers under each side of the printer
* Lift printer about 3 inches off the table
* Rotate 180 degrees and carry the printer to the nearest trash can
* Release printer into trashcan
* Go online and order replacement printer
Inkjet printers are so cheap -- with the cost being mainly due to ink, that when an inkjet printer starts acting up, unless it is some serious pro-quality printer, your best bet is to buy a new printer and not waste ink on your old one.
-mouser (September 10, 2017, 01:49 PM)
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ROFL - Yepper, that would be the simplest solution. Like most stuff these days they're straight-up disposable. Given that the print sample given showed ghosting even after a realignment has been attempted ... Hell yeah - cut your losses and toss it.

Thanks, can I go on and ask which is the smallest colour all-in-one with wifi? I try not to have to call Cannon, Epsom, HP to find out.

Thanks, can I go on and ask which is the smallest colour all-in-one with wifi? I try not to have to call Cannon, Epsom, HP to find out.-kalos (September 10, 2017, 02:55 PM)
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HP DeskJet 3720 - HP touted the 3755 as the smallest, the 3720 adds WiFi into the mix.

Question: Do they have Google in the UK?

Personally wouldn't touch a printer that uses a tri-colour ink tank but that wasn't the question.

Anyway, ask SJ what he thinks of it  :P

I know that printer but the problem is that it cannot scan my passport or a credit card or anything like that.


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