Software > Coding Snacks
[SOLVED]Reading a book and learning vocabulary
Hi Contro. I believe what you asked is somewhat implemented on Goldendict and also on WordsCatch (ipad)
Thanks Skrommel !!
Hi Contro. I believe what you asked is somewhat implemented on Goldendict and also on WordsCatch (ipad)
Thanks Skrommel !!
-kilele (September 12, 2017, 10:28 AM)
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I'll take a look.
I continue trying the "operation" of convet the html file into a csv file.
It's not an easy question.
Kindle has implemented the option of revising vocabulary. But I want outside kindle.
My kindle is second hand and seems not to have the option to synchronize with the amazon account. But I have the option to revise vocabulary with the Leitner's system.
In my case and at the present moment.
I am taking advantage of Skrommel's dictionary.exe and after manually with copy/paste I create the quiz in ANKI .
This copy/paste is a way to study itself. Then repeat and repeat and repeat ....
Besides the dictionary.exe gives me an extra option to search words in a new dictionary. I am using in Kindle Wordnet easy and Oxford dictionary. So is good for learning.
Convert from html to csv (when is not a HTML table) seems a delicate matter and I continue studying.
Edited : I adopt also the Word of the Day from , and studying with Duolingo....
Edited : I haven't an iPad for the moment so I can't consider WordsCatch.
Some years ago I try hard to recopile tools for phrasing or learning words and derivatives for investigation purposes.
I found some tools in 2014.
GoldenDict - designed as a StarDict successor
An in GoldenDict register I write down :
*** JOSE *** August 3, 2014 at 3:56pm
GoldenDict is a free, feature-rich offline dictionary program for Windows and Linux. It supports multiple dictionary formats, such as Babylon, StarDict, and WordNet. You can also look up words on Wikipedia, Wiktionary, or any other MediaWiki-based websites using GoldenDict. It also supports looking up and listening to pronunciations using the pronunciation guide,
You can lookup words selected in other applications or translate a word from the clipboard using hotkeys.
At the present time the goldendict forum is full of spam.
In 2014 I was using Ultimate Dictionary. Now and dictionary.exe
What layout do you need on the output, Contro?
What layout do you need on the output, Contro?
-skrommel (September 14, 2017, 03:35 AM)
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Owwwwww !!!! Can you afford this ?????
I was coming to the post to close and put this comment of the creator of Anki :
" 1 Posted by Damien Elmes on Sep 12, 2017 @ 07:01 AM
Damien Elmes's Avatar
I think the fastest solution for you would be to copy and pase each word into Anki's add window instead of manually trying to turn the file into a csv file."
The layout I need is simple
The first field or anverse of the flashcard is the word.
In the reverse of the flashcard the meanings of the words.
In the csv file the question may be more complex.....
The anki help for this purpose is not clear for me. Seems I can use the code <br> to make lines, but I suppose I have to adapt in many ways the html code.
For me the layout is not so important as the content formed by the pair <word , "meanings" >.
Everything is welcome and thanks a lot.
What layout do you need on the output, Contro?
-skrommel (September 14, 2017, 03:35 AM)
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What am I doing bad ?
Can I wait for you or simply close the post ?
I really haven't understand if your are trying or not to process the html file with a script ?
What I do next ?
Best Regards
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