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IDEA: (10+2)*5 Timer
nice idea :up:
I have written a similar timer some while back.
Settings, TimerGroups is what we are sort of taling about.
Its not exactly the same, but sort of similar.
This has a smart timer built into it.
Basically if there is no mouse or keyboard entry for x minutes, the software assumes the person is not there and resets the break timer when hey return.
This also follows the WORK+BREAK Algorythm
now this is the *ideal* program to be merged with Temptation Blocker, which has been sadly abandoned by its author. the program blocks your distractions ((firefox/IE mostly for me) on the computer, though it lacks a key feature: once you take a break, nothing stops you frmo making it two hours long! Read more about the program, with soutce available:
Could someone bring both goodies together?
-guiyoforward (September 15, 2007, 03:54 PM)
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If someone could figure out how to make something similar, in 2 parts (one to lock, one to release) my next version of Instant Boss will be able to run them at appropriate times (run lock b4 work, release b4 break)
A user requested the ability to launch programs, open files, and run scripts at various points during the work/break cycle and it is something I will be adding.
This has a smart timer built into it.
Basically if there is no mouse or keyboard entry for x minutes, the software assumes the person is not there and resets the break timer when hey return.
This also follows the WORK+BREAK Algorythm
-Brad (September 27, 2007, 12:52 AM)
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Option to automatically pause after a user specified length of system idle time will be added as well, but this feature will not be available for 9x users, since there is no easy way for me to do it for that OS without causing issues on slow machines. I'll still be thinking up some 'crafty' workaround so 9x users will eventually have a working substitute feature.
You have a lot of fans over on with this program! However, someone there has run into this problem:
Basically, the Instant Boss application works (window comes up, and I get a little icon in my system tray, seems to function ok). But every time I restart my computer, I have to run the application from scratch. So, the total time worked ("total work to date") keeps resetting to zero and I have to start all over. (How can I keep track of the time I've worked over days, weeks, and months if it resets every time I restart? Maybe this is something IB is not meant to do.)
Am I doing something wrong in terms of installation? This is what I did: downloaded the program; when prompted, saved the zipped folder to my desktop; extracted all items from the zipped folder; then, double-clicked on the Instant Boss icon (yelling man); instant boss opens (after I get a message about whether or not I want to run this application) and I use the timer; the icon appears in the system tray. Once I exit the program and restart my computer, I click the Instant Boss icon again to start the program (promt asks me each time whether I want to run the app); all timers (including life timer) are set back to zero. What's the deal?
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Any suggestions?
Wouldn't that be somehow related to vista? It's not the first time i've seen trouble with settings not being saved/loaded with vista, IIRC.
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