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For those with a CrashPlan...

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Another thought: I have a NAS now (synology); do people have recommendations for a non-hosted VERSIONED backup system that would backup to my local network nas?
-mouser (July 28, 2019, 07:22 PM)
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didnt i learn my backup methods from YOU??!!

when you say want a cloud service right?  i have no idea what to use, i dont do it.  i do use backblaze so you can do the versioning locally and backup to backblaze.  but sounds like you want the full service.  not sure, am interested.

I read "non-hosted" as "non-cloud" which interpretation is further reinforced (in my opinion) by "backup to my local network" at the end of the sentence.

when you say want a cloud service right?
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No, what I meant was, I don't need a hosting service if I just use software to backup to my own NAS device in another room.

I still think it's important to have an online offsite backup service these days, but I don't need versioning on that, so a simpler solution would be possible.

It seems pretty clear at this point that crashplan is malfunctioning silently on my pc;
-mouser (July 30, 2019, 11:24 AM)
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Mouser, did you mean SpiderOak here and not Crashplan?

Yes, thanks, edited post.


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