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New computer - how do I export SC settings?


I am about to get a new computer. Is there a way to export and import SC settings? I have peered at the interface and Help but can't find a way. Forgive me if there is one and I just can't see it!

Just copy the ScreenshotCaptor.ini file from your old computer to your new one.
Location should be in C:\users\USERNAME\My Documents\DonationCoder\ScreenshotCaptor\
or something similar.

Spot on! Thanks for a quick reply.

Just copy the ScreenshotCaptor.ini file from your old computer to your new one.
Location should be in C:\users\USERNAME\My Documents\DonationCoder\ScreenshotCaptor\
or something similar.
-mouser (August 22, 2017, 07:06 PM)
--- End quote ---

Many Thanks for Help  :Thmbsup:


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