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How to prevent data connection prompt on Android?

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Remove or change the APN names if you can.

Probably won't stop the requests but it will stop connections to mobile data.
-4wd (May 23, 2022, 09:13 AM)
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Disable Mobile Data?

Remove or change the APN names if you can.

Probably won't stop the requests but it will stop connections to mobile data.
-4wd (May 23, 2022, 09:13 AM)
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Disable Mobile Data?
-erikts (May 25, 2022, 02:18 AM)
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Doesn't stop it being enabled if you inadvertantly answer yes to a connection request.

If you remove or otherwise change the APN to something wrong, it will completely disable mobile data no matter whether the setting is enabled or not.


NetGuard has a lockdown setting. You can set the settings differently for wifi or data if you like. Some learning curve for all the subleties, but it will do the job.

I have it set to block any newly installed app from accessing the internet until I explicitly call up NetGuard and give it my ok. At the same time I can see exactly where the app wanted to call home (Probably a pro version feature - 6$ or something like this life time).

No root required.

Same developer also makes an excellent email program called Fairemail, which is extremely privacy friendly, f.e. the emails are cleansed of trackers and blind pixels etc. before you see the email. I really like it. Just bought it a couple of months ago, after I looked at it a few years ago, when it didn't meet my needs at the time, but now it has come a long way and the developer has put a huge amount of work in it and made it great.

If you want to buy the pro versions, buy them directly from the developer, not from Google, then you get some extra features, the developer gets more money, and you can use them on googlefree Android phones. The developer provides support by email and on XDA.

Both programs are open source hosted on Github.


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