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Launching URL files stored in the Windows file system

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It doesn't look like the alias is actually triggering in your bottom screenshot..
Are you sure it's enabled?
If so, try typing "us news" in the Test Regular Expression field of it just to make sure it's matching..

I agree, it doesn't seem to be triggering. And yet the alias is enabled:

Launching URL files stored in the Windows file system

And here the results of typing "us news" in the Test Regular Expression field - nothing.

Launching URL files stored in the Windows file system

I did try changing the alias trigger text to different strings, just in case there was some conflict somewhere with "us" but that did not help either.

From looking at your screenshot of Test Regular Expression here, it's clear that expression is not matching. 

I just realized the problem -- yeesh you would think as the author of this program I would be a little quicker on the draw :)

Ok you are putting the regular expression in the "Alias Trigger/Keyword Text" field -- but that's not where it goes.  That's just for the NAME of the alias, or the first initial letters if you want to be able to search for it.

The next field BELOW it is where you put the regular expression.

That's why the "Test Regular Expression" is so useful -- it can help you verify that it's matching as expected.

So your alias should look something like this:

Note that I'm not sure whether you need the final \ at the end of C:\FARR\URLs\ or not.

Sorted! Many thanks for all your help.

Thanks for not giving up!  :up:


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