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"CareUEyes"---Protect Your Eyes when Using a Computer

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Last month, I developed a program named ---“CareUEyes”  what  i hope my eyes take a rest every one hour and  dim my screen make it looks more comfortable,
but no program can help me,so i developed it.

CareUEyes not only remind you to take a rest but also adjust the computer screen color temperature、filter the blue light (like IPhone’s NightShift)
i hope this will be helpful for you

CareUEyes is a little free application

CareUEyes homepage

"CareUEyes"---Protect Your Eyes when Using a Computer

"CareUEyes"---Protect Your Eyes when Using a Computer

thanks for share your app.

I actually use f.lux for this. Why your program (in your opinion) is better.

The time between breaks is only time transcurred or the program detect actual activity from the user?

thanks for share your app.

I actually use f.lux for this. Why your program (in your opinion) is better.

The time between breaks is only time transcurred or the program detect actual activity from the user?
-antekgla (July 05, 2017, 01:17 PM)
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CareUEyes is easy for use,i remove the sunsets setting,because we often turn on the light when using a computer ,it's not necessary.
What can we do to protect our eyes when working for long in front of a computer?take a break every one hour,it's useful for our eyes 8)

so far I like this program.  I have found it only locks 1 of 2 screens on my system.  my preference would be to lock both screens. 

Is careueyes supposed to work on multiple monitor systems?

i will fix this bug,thank you
so far I like this program.  I have found it only locks 1 of 2 screens on my system.  my preference would be to lock both screens. 

Is careueyes supposed to work on multiple monitor systems?
-techidave (July 08, 2017, 07:37 AM)
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