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SeqBox - A file container that can be restored after total loss of FS structures

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but this really does sound like something everyone SHOULD be using-solaris65 (April 05, 2017, 06:51 AM)
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Well, I don't think we are quite there at the moment! :)
Let's say that, aside from experimenting, it could surely be used as additional back up/security measure.

Being a suite of command line tools it's not super user friendly, but I hope to add additional documentation and examples soon.

-Mark0 (April 05, 2017, 07:22 AM)
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Thanks for the swift reply, Mark0..much appreciated.  :Thmbsup:

OK..fair enough.  In the meantime, I sincerely wish you all the best in developing this and I obviously hope this project gets to the point where it has a user-friendly UI and easy-to-follow help file system / PDF / Doc / txt file to go with it.  Despite you obvious modesty, I still think this is something everyone could and should be using, as..if I understand it would mean a person would never lose a file to drive corruption again.

Anyway..all the best to you and I'll certainly be keeping an eye on how this project is progressing.

All the best

Dan (solaris65)

Very neat  :Thmbsup:

...I'm not a "coder" and the only thing I've ever built in my life was a garden wall with my late father many years ago. ...
-solaris65 (April 05, 2017, 06:51 AM)
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Building a garden wall (one that actually stays up) is an exercise and a half in itself. Been there, done that. You were fortunate to have had your father helping you.

I have designed another related tool, that can both cover other scenarios and integrate with SeqBox:


The purpose of BlockHashLoc is to enable the recovery of files after total loss of File System structure, or without even knowing what FS was used in the first place.

The way it can recover a given file is by keeping a (small) parallel BHL file with a list of crypto-hashes of all the blocks (of selectable size) that compose it. So it's then possible to read blocks from a disk image/volume, calculate their hashes, compare them with the saved ones and rebuild the original file.

With adequately sized blocks (512 bytes, 4KB, etc. depending on the media and File System), this let one recover a file regardless of the FS used, or the FS integrity, or the fragmentation level.

This project is related to SeqBox. The main differences are:

* SeqBox create a stand-alone file container with the above listed recovery characteristics.
* BHL realize the same effect with a (small) parallel file, that can be stored separately (in other media, or in the cloud), or along the original as a SeqBox file (so that it can be recovered too, as the first step), so it can be used to add a degree of recoverability to existing files.
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