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Modern forum software: Discourse

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web apps kinda made desktop apps redundant in all but a few use cases IMHO.
-urlwolf (June 28, 2017, 05:48 AM)
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Unless you prefer efficient code.

web apps kinda made desktop apps redundant in all but a few use cases IMHO.
-urlwolf (June 28, 2017, 05:48 AM)
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Unless you prefer efficient code.
-Tuxman (June 28, 2017, 06:08 AM)
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Yers, that's probably another valid point worth making. It does seem to me that there is a lot of software out there - especially Windows apps and web apps - that is badly-designed and sloppy as all heck, in terms of efficiency of use of computing resources, never mind the cringingly bad ergonomics one sometimes finds in the GUI. However, it may be that that is a product of poor (or nil) training in programming - where efficiency and/or ergonomics are not even considered.
I was thinking about this issue when I made this post: Program performance optimisation just as relevant today as it was years ago?

I'll go back under my rock where I have been the last 5 years
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I hope you will decide to move your rock closer to us so you can visit more frequently.  You have friends here :)

As you say, the technology and computer world has changed a lot since 2005 -- web apps and mobile apps have taken over huge amounts of market share and attention, and those are areas that DC only dabbles in (I hope you've seen my suite of android apps).

It's not that we are uninterested in such things here as much as we are one of the few places that is still focused on desktop apps, and I think there is still a need for such sites even as much of the world moves on..

Keeping a foot in both worlds makes DC a bit more eclectic and "cluttered" than other sites, but we try to make up for that in friendliness :)

I think the best thing folks could do who want to see DC content reflect the projects they are interested in is.. surprise surprise.. share with us the projects you are involved in and interested in on this forum!  I know I would like to hear what more of you are up to and to support your projects and talk about them..

web apps kinda made desktop apps redundant in all but a few use cases IMHO.
-urlwolf (June 28, 2017, 05:48 AM)
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Unless you prefer efficient code.
-Tuxman (June 28, 2017, 06:08 AM)
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There's also paradigms that you can't do in a web app.  Web apps are definitely a good tool to have in the toolbox.  But just like everything else, it's situational.

That's yet another problem: You can't have a "web app" in your toolbox. If it's gone, it's gone. No shiny USB thumbdrive will catch it for you.


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