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Assign hotkeys to user-toolbar items

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1) Another aproach would be to create an alias with a list of tools you use regularly, and have it shown as default when you open FARR.
(Options/History options, Blank search shows files from launch history, or as if the search string was...)

2) If you don't like farr showing results, or want to actually show history on launch,
- assign a short regex to the alias (something like ff or jj) so you can bring it up easily.
- You can assign a custom hotkey to FARR and have it be launched with that alias already called.

From there you can use alt+number shortcut to launch items directly

Instead of linking to a single .exe,
you can put the aliasses as suggested by skajfes in the menu.

title: an&ything
program: path to your version of farr.exe
parameter: -search alias or +alias

You can then use alt-y to execute the aliass, use the cursor+enter or alt+digit (also suggested by skajfes) to choose your option.

Yeah, but that's still 1 keystroke too much! ;-)

I think I'll go with skajfes' first suggestion :-)

You might want to try my LaunchBar Commander.  You can set up all manner of menus and docking bars, visible, automatically-hiding, system tray, with all manner of entries for launching files, etc..  All can be toggled-with custom hotkeys and each configured item can have a custom hotkey set for it:

To emphasize, you don't have to have a visible docking bar with LBC, you can just have a menu in your system tray and trigger individual items with the hotkey, or use a hotkey to toggle a pop-up menu under the cursor.

Thanks - I have used a variety of launchers in the past and mosten often got annoyed when I had to re-configure them after major updates of linked software changed pathnames ("abc v12\" to "abc v13\") etc., so I really like the dynamic natur of FARR (+ a few static links to a favorites that I can take care of to maintain). So I'm not sure how it'll end - but I'll go & try it out! ;-)


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