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Still using Chrome? Enjoy being watched.

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Nothing's wrong with the browser engine. Did you even read the link?  :huh:
-Tuxman (May 31, 2017, 10:28 AM)
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Let me be more explicit.  If you work for a company, and they make proprietary software based on certain BROWSERS being used, not the engine, and limit what you can INSTALL based on that requirement, then the rest should be a foregone conclusion.  You assume that YOUR use case is the ONLY use case.


To be honest these discussions should be about home use, I suppose if working at home for a company using their machine too but even then for normal use I am switching to my personal machine. At a company setting, even if I am a system admin the policies and limitations of what I can do are set above me, I can only recommend but as a system admin I am not disabling Chrome 'unilaterally' based on things like this

My point above being: A security flaw opening a webcam while I am sitting in a cubicle is way different than if I am sitting at home (may be that's just me though)

My point above being: A security flaw opening a webcam while I am sitting in a cubicle is way different than if I am sitting at home (may be that's just me though)
-rgdot (May 31, 2017, 01:37 PM)
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Nah, I think they're the same.  Nowhere else do we limit our conversations to just home use, so I don't think that's valid.  And it really only comes into mind when someone blindly and unilaterally makes statements.  If one presents information, that's one thing.  And in all honesty, it doesn't affect me at all at home.  I have neither a camera nor an audio input device on my computers at home.

* wraith808 shrugs

The article refers to it as a UX issue multiple times, but it sounds like a UI issue. Am I wrong in thinking these terms mean:

UX: User Experience (what it's like as the user to experience using the product/website)
UI: User Interface (the visual interface the user sees and interacts with)

Often times a poor UI can lead to a poor UX. So it's not to say that it's unrelated to a UX issue. But it sounds to me like it's the UI that should be displaying the red dot to let the user know they are being recorded.

Stop using Chrome. All of you. Now.
-Tuxman (May 31, 2017, 07:30 AM)
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While I've become more and more wary of using Chrome and Google products as time goes by, and have been taking steps to reduce (and maybe eventually eliminate) my usage of Google products, it seems like in this case you could just not grant the permission to the site to record you in the first place.

Another reason why it's not always possible (or else it is very inconvenient) to switch away from Chrome is because some sites/services require certain Chrome extensions that are (AFAIK) only available on Chrome. Such as MetaMask.


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