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DONE: Icon in system tray to show when there in no internet connection

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@shmuel1: Did you try gmoises' AutoHotkey code?

I'm not into AutoHotKey. I am only into AutoIt.

I'll write you a user-friendly version.  Stay tuned.

I autoit syntax that different than AutoHotKey that it couldn't be adapted?

I autoit syntax that different than AutoHotKey that it couldn't be adapted?-wraith808 (June 06, 2017, 04:19 PM)
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It's not that so much as the InternetGetConnectedState DLL call doesn't work if the problem is upstream of the person's computer.  I'm going to write a version that allows the user to ping an IP of their choosing as well as the check frequency.  The user will also be able to provide their own icons (if so desired).


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