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Need Chrome Help: How to auto-open new tab from Address bar?
I use Firefox a lot as my favorite browser, but lately also found a liking to the new Vivaldi and Iron Chrome derivatives.
One thing I really like about Firefox is, that I can put in an address, press enter and a new tab opens.
I know there is the Alt-Enter keyboard shortcut to accomplish this, but I am so used to the Firefox way, that I always forget it.
I am sure there must be a way to change this behavior. Could someone tell me how?
Huh? How does that work?
When I type an address into the address bar and press enter, I go to that address in the current tab. As far as I know, this is standard behavior in all browsers, and has been for 20+ years.
It sounds to me like you have an extension installed which gives this functionality.
It's either an about:config setting I changed like 10 years or so ago or tabmixplus, I don't know.
Vivaldi in the Settings only allows you switch between Alt + Enter and Shift + Enter at the moment the way it appears. One workaround at the moment for Vivaldi is to press F2 (Default for Quick Commands.) and type it in that.
It's either an about:config setting I changed like 10 years or so ago or tabmixplus, I don't know.
-brahman (May 04, 2017, 02:35 PM)
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If it's a Firefox extension that gives you this functionality, have you tried searching for a Chrome extension that will do this?
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