Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room
For those of us who like building things using cast-off pallets
Welcome to 1001Pallets, your online community to share your pallet projects & pallet furniture ideas!
"We want to tickle your creativity and invite you to exercise your imagination to come up with sustainable creations around this incredible and versatile raw material which is the pallet."
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from something I stumbled over while doing absolutely nothing on the Internet for a few hours
Very nice! It is crazy how much goes to waste that could be used creatively..
Hmm, this reminds me of a temp job I had. It was working for a large department store in a mall. Back then The Gas Crisis(tm) was going on. Some people got wood burning stoves to cut down on heating oil purchases. Anyway, this one temp guy I worked with was taking brand new pallets and chucking them in the dumpster. After work he retrieved them and put them in his vehicle. He broke them up to burn in his stove.
The security in the department store got onto him. They dismissed him saying that his behavior was absolutely unpalatable.
They dismissed him saying that his behavior was absolutely unpalatable.
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-MilesAhead (April 21, 2017, 12:27 PM)
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;D ;D
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