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Game Design Kit

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Great find.. I'm extremely interested in cooperative boardgames so this is a must read for me. Thanks for sharing  :up:

Something like this would have been super useful during one of my uni modules (Design Thinking) - One of my assignments was to make a board game, which...meant me doing a crap load of work just making the pieces and such...was tedious lol.

this book came up on Cool Tools this morning - The Art of Game Design

this book came up on Cool Tools this morning - The Art of Game Design
-Target (November 27, 2018, 04:11 PM)
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I actually have that one.  It's a pretty cool take on the subject, applying 'lenses' to the game to force decisions about the game and what it will be. 

As an example, the first lens is "The Lens of Essential Experience", i.e. stop thinking about the game as a designer and think about the experience of the game as a player. 

One of the best quotes in the book is in the beginning - a definition of Game Design as "Deciding what a game should be".  There was a companion app on iOS, but not sure if it's still available.

Though he says that he doesn't really agree with books as texts, it really does read like a textbook.


Another Kickstarter that's good for game designers.

Fail Faster

What's is it?

At its core, the Fail Faster Playtesting Journal contains pages to keep track of 36 playtests. The journal is most useful if you dedicate one journal to each game that you are designing, but you could easily use one journal to keep track of all the different games you’re designing. Each section has been tested and planned for optimal use of space.

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What's in the journal?

More at the Kickstarter.

I know that a lot of people here are interested in game design, so I thought it would be of interest.

A print and play preview of Fail Faster is available on Google Drive.


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