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XYplorer is not responding.

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Deo, I think you can split it into something more descriptive, and DonL can follow if he wishes.  Thanks for your efforts on this.
-wraith808 (March 18, 2017, 01:40 PM)
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The discussion of XYplorer has now been moved to its own thread.

FWIW, I use XY and do not see this problem.  Also even though there's obviously no obligation to do so, I think it's completely reasonable for a vendor to suggest that problems with the software be discussed in his forum rather than some other random place on the internet.  If nothing else, the XY forum has a number of very dedicated users who might be able to help in addition to Don.

I think everyone should be aware the Don is a software vendor who puts his money where his mouth is when it comes to support.

Just to add another voice, I also have a lifetime license, and I have also had the "sleepytime" every time I have installed XYplorer (installing the newest release every time I try). Not constantly, but often enough to aggravate me, and it usually occurs soon enough after installation that I get discouraged. And, like Wraith, I can't point to any common circumstances when it happens.

I'll pull down the current version and give it another go, last time I tried was at 16.50. I always liked the interface. :-)

While we are adding our experiences, my pro up to date version has issues regenerating* thumbnails even with the thumbnail speed setting set as the fastest. Have verified by reading the XYplorer forum (not a member, just as guest) and help files that the thumbnail folder is fine and contains what it should.

*Local or attached device folder with ~1000 images, at program start AND when scrolling down and back up thumbnails are not 'preserved' and take time to regenerate

FWIW, I use XY and do not see this problem.  Also even though there's obviously no obligation to do so, I think it's completely reasonable for a vendor to suggest that problems with the software be discussed in his forum rather than some other random place on the internet.  If nothing else, the XY forum has a number of very dedicated users who might be able to help in addition to Don.

I think everyone should be aware the Don is a software vendor who puts his money where his mouth is when it comes to support.

-mwb1100 (March 18, 2017, 02:56 PM)
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Never said it wasn't reasonable.  Didn't ask for support, he jumped in- probably has some filter set up to see when his product is mentioned in other forums.  I was/am perfectly fine with it as is.  That's the difference.

Just to add another voice, I also have a lifetime license, and I have also had the "sleepytime" every time I have installed XYplorer (installing the newest release every time I try). Not constantly, but often enough to aggravate me, and it usually occurs soon enough after installation that I get discouraged. And, like Wraith, I can't point to any common circumstances when it happens.

I'll pull down the current version and give it another go, last time I tried was at 16.50. I always liked the interface. :-)
-x16wda (March 18, 2017, 03:31 PM)
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Be aware of the false positives if you're using Windows defender.  It's crazy to get past them if you get them.  I had to d/l it on the machine that doesn't get it, exclude a folder on the machine that does, and sync to that directory to get it to work.


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