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Arizona sunsets

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Arizona Hot:
Arizona sunsets

Nice sunset picture with clouds.

Nice sunset picture with clouds.
-Arizona Hot (December 19, 2017, 01:35 AM)
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how are you making panorama pictures these days (with the new camera) ?

Arizona Hot:
Arizona sunsets   Arizona sunsets
Any other questions?

Any other questions?
-Arizona Hot (December 19, 2017, 09:58 AM)
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* have you been using ICE to fill in the edges of the panoramas ?
* have you been using a tripod ?
Had a look at this ICE video, it's very impressive software:

Arizona Hot:
Any other questions?
-Arizona Hot (December 19, 2017, 09:58 AM)
have you been using ICE to fill in the edges of the panoramas ?
have you been using a tripod ?
-tomos (December 19, 2017, 02:41 PM)
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No, I crop to remove the worst of the black background and then use MS Paint's Color Picker, Fill and Brush to hide any remaining black space. I don't use a tripod, the camera is quick enough to not need it. I didn't know ICE could fill in.


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