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Bug? - Incomplete grabbing of a URL

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Funny thing is, I have a high DPI monitor without the font set to over 100%, a
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Well I guess I should refer to these fixes as fixes for those with Windows Text Size setting over 100%, as that is what is improved -- regardless of the resolution.  Hopefully these latest fixes won't cause any issues for those with 100% text size setting.

Funny thing is, I have a high DPI monitor without the font set to over 100%, a
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Well I guess I should refer to these fixes as fixes for those with Windows Text Size setting over 100%, as that is what is improved -- regardless of the resolution.  Hopefully these latest fixes won't cause any issues for those with 100% text size setting.
-mouser (March 17, 2017, 07:47 PM)
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No, I think you're fine.  The ones that I have problems with, I didn't have my text set to over 100% either.


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