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Any tool that immediately shows boot time problems?

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(without SSD < 1 min)
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That was correct. I was referring to the time the system needed to boot after
cleaning everything up but without installing the new ssd.

(without SSD < 1 min)
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That was correct. I was referring to the time the system needed to boot after
cleaning everything up but without installing the new ssd.
-highend01 (April 05, 2017, 09:27 AM)
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So, after the rectification/cleaning up of the hard drive and OS, and before replacing the hard drive with the SSD, bootup time was less than 1 minute?
That seems seriously quick - quite an impressive achievement.    :Thmbsup:
You write in the OP that the OS was "Either Vista or Windows 7".
What is the Windows version, and what is the CPU of that PC, please?

I'd like to know as I'm about to set up a friend's old laptop with Win7 x86 (32-bit) and would like to see if I could get things to a similar startup performance level as you managed to do. I'm installing it with a quicker and bigger 7200rpm hard drive (the old one had failed).
Learning from others' hard-won experience can often be better than finding out by trial-and-error.
Thanks in anticipation.

bootup time was less than 1 minute?
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Yes, about 58 seconds. I wanted to measure how much time I'm able to shave off :)

What is the Windows version, and what is the CPU of that PC, please?
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Windows 7 Pro. AMD Athlon 2 but don't ask which one / MHz...

^^ Thanx.

Thanks! Autorun can help you to get the timing issue! :)


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