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Macrium Reflect v7 release on Feb. 27th

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^^ I don't think I have ever done the verification step with any backup imaging program.  I started to once, then after a few minutes I killed it.  I used to do a complete partition image(full) and restore every time.  Now I am hooked on incremental and can't go back to the slow way.  :)

I've had some trouble with Malwarebytes 3 which, among other issues, blocks both my MS Office and Acrobat X from launching. That might have thwarted Reflect so I have more trials to run.

-cranioscopical (March 08, 2017, 04:04 PM)
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I would not be surprised if any "real time protection" type software interfered with imaging.  As it is, Macrium uses Shadow Copy Service to allow the in use system files to be backed up.  Anything else that messes around at the system level at the same time has a good chance of being the fly in the ointment.  But from what you say it sounds as if you got MBAM 2.x to peacefully coexist in the past.  :)

^^ I don't think I have ever done the verification step with any backup imaging program.  I started to once, then after a few minutes I killed it.  I used to do a complete partition image(full) and restore every time.  Now I am hooked on incremental and can't go back to the slow way.  :)
-MilesAhead (March 08, 2017, 04:17 PM)
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Call me paranoid but I always verify. All but one of my drives are SSDs which helps. I have only roughly 150GB on C:. Booting from the Macrium recovery boot menu a full restore takes me about 12 mins. That's less trouble for me than fiddling around trying to fix the occasional glitch. I do a daily on-machine incremental of C: and a weekly off-machine full backup of CDEF. When I actually worked for money everything was backed up pretty much as it happened.

I would not be surprised if any "real time protection" type software interfered with imaging.  As it is, Macrium uses Shadow Copy Service to allow the in use system files to be backed up.  Anything else that messes around at the system level at the same time has a good chance of being the fly in the ointment.  But from what you say it sounds as if you got MBAM 2.x to peacefully coexist in the past.  :)
-MilesAhead (March 08, 2017, 04:27 PM)
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Malwarebytes 2 played nicely with Macrium. Yesterday I pulled mwb3 off of my main machine. That solved quite a number of new issues. Nothing really serious but several things had stopped working. It's just annoying on 2 machines and so much trouble on 2 others that I'll just leave it off until they work out all of the kinks. I've tried each iteration of mwb3, doing a full uninstall of each one before trying the next. It's a shame 'cos I found v2 nicely useful and unobtrusive. I'm sure it'll be fixed in due course.

It was nice to see that Malwarebytes honoured the perpetual licenses.

When I actually worked for money everything was backed up pretty much as it happened.
-cranioscopical (March 09, 2017, 10:33 AM)
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Sounds like Miami.  Everything is backed up as it happens.  I can't delete anything if I wanted to.  heh heh


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