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Macrium Reflect v7 release on Feb. 27th

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I didn't notice this until I got an email from Macrium.  Evidently v7 release is due Feb. 27, 2017:

I was under the impression that the rapid restore was only in the server editions.  But consulting the feature comparison chart it seems to be available in all but the free version.  The term they use is Rapid Data Restore.  Here is an editions comparison chart:

Thanks, MilesAhead, for this info.  For some reason, I don't think I received any message from Macrium about this, even though I have a licensed copy of version 5.  I was interested to see that in order to upgrade to version 7, I first have to upgrade to version 6 (at a 50% upgrade discount).  Then, when version 7 is released, it will be free to people who upgraded within a certain timespan to version 6.  Once version 7 is released, there will be no upgrade discount from version 5 to version 7!  I had been thinking that I'd just wait until 7 is released, since it will be so soon, but that apparently would be a foolish move, financially. 

Thanks, MilesAhead, for this info.  For some reason, I don't think I received any message from Macrium about this, even though I have a licensed copy of version 5.  I was interested to see that in order to upgrade to version 7, I first have to upgrade to version 6 (at a 50% upgrade discount).  Then, when version 7 is released, it will be free to people who upgraded within a certain timespan to version 6.  Once version 7 is released, there will be no upgrade discount from version 5 to version 7!  I had been thinking that I'd just wait until 7 is released, since it will be so soon, but that apparently would be a foolish move, financially. 
-cyberdiva (February 21, 2017, 04:37 PM)
--- End quote ---

I did not realize that cutoff was in effect.  I guess it's one way to get people out of the habit of waiting for the imminent release of the new version as most people are prone to do.  They gave me version 6 server for the regular upgrade price of v4 "standard" or "home" to v5.  Well, they asked if I wanted to do that with the proviso it would be marked not for resale and the upgrade chain would then be broken.  I was curious what server was like so I went for it.  Also I was unaware that the Rapid Data Restore was included in the other versions.  For some reason I thought it was only in the Server editions.

In any case I have no need to upgrade until I get another PC.  As it is the incremental backups and restores on my Laptop only take a few minutes each.  But if I changed to a system where I needed to back up large then I would probably want to check out the NTFS monitoring feature new in v7.

Thanks for making me aware of the upgrade cutoff.   :Thmbsup:

Steven Avery:
I liked the simplicity of the Linux disk for restoring, even if it had less features.  Macrium ended that in 5.  Macrium, while a fine program, became secondary to my backups.  (I generally only do some images when the system is very light, the first month after an OS install, and do data backups after that.)

I have RollbackRX Pro on my system.  The Macrium Trial installer seems to be hard wired to the same directory where I have Macrium Reflect Server v6 installed.  But since I could put the server back on just by restoring a snapshot using RollBackRX, I decided to take it off and install the v7 Home trial.

The backup speed of v7 was comparable to v6.  They say there is a new "Changed Block Technology" system in v7 that is supposed to be faster.  I did not try a restore.  But in my case I use it as disaster recovery.  So I am not likely to be doing a lot of restores.

For my purposes I see no need to upgrade.  The only way I could tell the difference between v6 and v7 was by going into the Help Menu and clicking About Macrium Reflect.  But if my system worked correctly, meaning System Restore, Windows Update and Windows Installer, then I would be unlikely to have purchased the Rollback program in the first place.  In which case I might rely on Macrium for file restores or whatnot.

The other thing I would try if my system wasn't hamstrung is the mechanism to create a VHD from a Macrium image and boot it.  I have tried many times and this Laptop just will not boot a VHD.  It starts to boot it, then hangs.  No real need for it.  But I like to play around with stuff like that.  Maybe if I get a newer lighter Windows Laptop I can try those things out.


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