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Sort lines of a txt file by lenght of the string
If you apply the description of my TED Notepad procedure, copy/pasting the 'Output mask' values from here, you should be fine, I think I see at least 3 typos in your first screenshot, and then it only gets worse from there...
-Ath (February 19, 2017, 02:36 PM)
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Don't worry I keep trying.
But it's strange for me. I think i am doing well.
Any option left ?
Where have I to put the name of my txt file in the script ?
-Contro (February 19, 2017, 02:18 PM)
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The first line says
--- Code: Autohotkey ---FileRead, text, %A_ScriptFullPath%replace it with
--- Code: Autohotkey ---FileRead, text, pathtoyour\file.txtAssuming you want to save it replace MsgBox %text% with
--- Code: Autohotkey ---FileDelete, pathtoyour\sortedfile.txtFileAppend, %text%, pathtoyour\sortedfile.txt
Where have I to put the name of my txt file in the script ?
-Contro (February 19, 2017, 02:18 PM)
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The first line says
--- Code: Autohotkey ---FileRead, text, %A_ScriptFullPath%replace it with
--- Code: Autohotkey ---FileRead, text, pathtoyour\file.txtAssuming you want to save it replace MsgBox %text% with
--- Code: Autohotkey ---FileDelete, pathtoyour\sortedfile.txtFileAppend, %text%, pathtoyour\sortedfile.txt-Lintalist (February 19, 2017, 02:58 PM)
--- End quote ---
Trying. Best Regards
Where have I to put the name of my txt file in the script ?
-Contro (February 19, 2017, 02:18 PM)
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The first line says
--- Code: Autohotkey ---FileRead, text, %A_ScriptFullPath%replace it with
--- Code: Autohotkey ---FileRead, text, pathtoyour\file.txtAssuming you want to save it replace MsgBox %text% with
--- Code: Autohotkey ---FileDelete, pathtoyour\sortedfile.txtFileAppend, %text%, pathtoyour\sortedfile.txt-Lintalist (February 19, 2017, 02:58 PM)
--- End quote ---
Trying. Best Regards
-Contro (February 19, 2017, 03:36 PM)
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I think I got. Is fast and easy. Best Regards
If you apply the description of my TED Notepad procedure, copy/pasting the 'Output mask' values from here, you should be fine, I think I see at least 3 typos in your first screenshot, and then it only gets worse from there...
-Ath (February 19, 2017, 02:36 PM)
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I think very interesting to load a python script.
It's new for me.
Can I try again ?
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