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Editor with Synchronized Comments Page?

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Was titled: "Editor w. Facing Pages: Text Left, Commentray Right (?)"

I'm sure this must exist, but my search fu didnt find it:

Looking for an editor where I can view two facing pages, just as if I were reading a book.
If I write, or paste, a longer text in, I want it to show only on one side (ideally I could choose which side). I then want to be able to comment/annotate on the other side, i.e. the facing page.

* Would need to be able to export, or save to a file format that can be read elsewhere
* Ideally unicode
* Just text would be okay, but formatting would be nice

So you're not really looking for an editor with facing pages.  You're looking for an editor with a synchronized comments page?

You're looking for an editor with a synchronized comments page?
-wraith808 (February 14, 2017, 08:23 AM)
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Yes :up:
(will edit thread title)

Is it necessary that it have a contiguous page?  i.e. can comments be associated with the text that you're actually editing rather than be a page?

Is it necessary that it have a contiguous page?
-wraith808 (February 14, 2017, 10:38 AM)
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For what I have in mind, yes, I would need the full page.
If you have other suggestions though, throw them out there.

I could always do it manually: page-break; blank page for commentary; page-break; etc.
Just thought something like this would exist, but maybe not.

Another option might be some layout programme: but they generally have a steep learning curve...


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