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Download manager

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Curt: should be safe:


I've been using JDownloader 2 for a few months and really like it. Give it a shot!
-htimsnivek (January 25, 2017, 01:12 AM)
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I like that it's open source and stand-alone.  Downloaded but Panda AV neutralized many of its files during installation so I canceled. Do you think they're all false positives?
-Midnight Rambler (January 25, 2017, 09:31 AM)
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Apparently JDownloader's default installers are infested with adware.  There's a post with a link to installers that are supposed to be adware-free:

I haven't tried anything to do with JDownloader, so I can't vouch for the link in the post. I'd suggest taking whatever precautions you might think are appropriate.

Midnight Rambler:
Apparently JDownloader's default installers are infested with adware.  There's a post with a link to installers that are supposed to be adware-free:

I haven't tried anything to do with JDownloader, so I can't vouch for the link in the post. I'd suggest taking whatever precautions you might think are appropriate.
-mwb1100 (February 20, 2017, 09:20 PM)
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Thanks for the suggestion.  The link leads to other links that contain adware bombs.  Think I might just pass on JDownloader for now.

In the mean time, DownThemAll has been fine and the author of Net Tranfser refuses to acknowledge the lifetime license I won here.  Shame on them.

DownThemAll will be gone soon, sadly. Thank you, Mozilla.


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