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Download manager

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Recently have been using Free Download Manager with good results.  Thing is, the most recent version, 5.x, is complained about as bloatware with decreased functionality.  Advice which I took was to install the last good version, 3.9.7 build 1627 available at Filehippo.  Integrates as seamlessly with FF plugin Flashgot as NetXfer did.
DownloadThemAll! worked great but this works a little better.
-Midnight Rambler (November 06, 2017, 06:21 PM)
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For years I have always used the highly customisable GetRight downloader (triggered in Firefox via Flashgot integration). GR still is a superb downloader - very aggressive and persistent, can searche mirrors, etc. - and its unique (?) "download site browser" capability can come in very handy on shy/reluctant sites.

However, I don't really need to use GR in Slimjet (wot I have now migrated to), as Slimject has a built-in downloader and the option to use "turbocharged download manager" as the default downloader (can be bypassed temporarily by holding down the ALT key). The TDM seems to be at least as aggressive/persistent as GetRight. You can also set the default maximum number of connections used by TDM (which can be very effective in helping to speed-up downloads and make optimum use of available bandwidth), though TDM does not have the equivalent flexibility of GetRight - e.g., to search mirror sites, etc..

Hello there, i know its an older thread,
just wanted to share my experience with Download Managers.
I guess i tried all Major Standalone Tools since Plugins are bound to specific Browsers.

jdownloader aint a must-have, but its best app of that kind. It supports so many great features that you elsewhere miss.
Installation is a bit strange, but when done and it runs you will start to love it as i do.

I admit GetRight and DownThemAll i used for years, both are no competitions for jdownloader.
Only thing that sucks a bit is GUI Speed since all is Java made.

Hopefully this helps someone to find proper DL-Manager. For now i cant think to get rid of JD.
Btw, when installed correct, there is no third-party malware.

There exists some "adware free" installers for JD, i suggest you skip them all and just take original web-installer from their Site and uncheck Third-Party during installation process.
In my experience those "adware free" installers do not show that Third-Party stuff but you need to download/install everything twice because those installers use old files and as soon as you want to run JD it ask to update itself wich leads to another download = in fact it will re-install with the original web-installer.
Same goes to offline Installers for JD.

Greetings from Germany!

Midnight Rambler:
jdownloader aint a must-have, but its best app of that kind. It supports so many great features that you elsewhere miss.
Installation is a bit strange, but when done and it runs you will start to love it as i do.
-KodeZwerg (August 23, 2018, 01:31 AM)
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Thanks for the suggestion.  Installed and found it consumed 208 MB disk space which seems rather large. Am trying Free Download Manager Lite mainly because of its smaller footprint.

If Portable / DiskSize matters, there is jd more than unqualified, i share absolutely your words. If Features matters, (nowaday hd space is verycheap  ;)) i'll stay with jd.

Aslong everything fit your needs, all is cool   :Thmbsup:


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