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Not really an autohotkey request


IDEA: I have about 2000 short video clips made by various family members in a wide range of quality which I need to cull and get rid of defectives.

In Win 7, I be viewing them with Media Player Classic - Home Cinema 64 v1.7.10. As the software stands, I can load a bunch of them, view the first and press PgDn to view the next. When I see one that is worth keeping I can use the menu functions to make a copy of it in a new folder and then, ultimately, delete the original folder.

Since the DEL key isn’t doing anything in MPC it would be easier to use that to delete the unacceptable clip and have MPC automatically load the next one. I’d prefer to use only the DEL key rather than a normal hotkey combo.

Windows Media Player Plus! version 2.8 from March 21, 2015 includes a delete function, and will work on Win 7. I informed about the program back in 2011: >> BM-productions: useful & free - <<

The homepage layout is frames, so I cannot link to the exact page, only to the site:

Click in the left margin on Windows Media Player Plus! or scroll a little and click March 21, 2015

I think Windows Media Player Plus! is a mighty fine, little program for Windows Media Player 11 and 12.

Windows Media Player Plus! is a free plug-in for Windows Media Player that adds various user interface and playback enhancements.
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Hi, willietheweep, and welcome to the DonationCoder forums.   :Thmbsup:

Since the DEL key isn’t doing anything in MPC-willietheweep (December 24, 2016, 02:28 PM)
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In MPC-HC, go to View > Options > Keys and assign the "Move to Recycle Bin" option hotkey to the Delete key.  See the screenshot below:

Not really an autohotkey request


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