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My NANY 2017 submission: EOLConverter. Uploaded bug fix.

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Welcome, MsDayna! Glad to see you didn't forget us, and finally joined the forum. Also glad to see your NANY submission. Looks really useful. :)

I guess this may need to be said, since there are some that may not know or recognize MsDayna.

For those that dont know, MsDayna is not some unknown person that just joined the forum to upload questionable software.

Those of us that have been in the #donationcoder IRC channel for a number of years, may recognize her from efnet, before we moved the channel to freenode. (yup, same Dayna  8))

I've known her even longer, going all the way back to about 2003, from #delphi on efnet. She is one of the few people in that channel that was never too arrogant to help a Delphi newbie. Personally, I'd trust her code more than I'd trust my own, since she is a much better developer than I am.  ;)

OH Pashaw!  You're too kind.

Some days I create more bugs than I correct.  Other days I'm golden.

Thanks for the glowing introduction.


Hi Dayna,

I just ran this on a directory and this time the following warning popup telling me that all files will be overwritten and that I'd better make a backup first gave me second thoughts.

My NANY 2017 submission: EOLConverter.  Uploaded bug fix.

I decided I'd rather not go ahead with the process so I could make sure I had a backup first. So I clicked the X in the top right corner, and EOL Converter happily continued with the process and converted all the line endings to all the files.

May I suggest that clicking the X should cancel the process so it doesn't go through with it?

Yep, that sounds like a good idea.
Also a Cancel button that did same this as hitting X would be a good idea.


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