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This time of year I'm reminded how thankful I am for you folks

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Thank you, mouser, for having created DonationCoder and for helping to shape it into the wonderful community it has become over the years. :)
-Deozaan (November 29, 2016, 01:55 PM)
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+ + + + +

Thanks Mouser!

thank you!

Yuck. He cleaned the toilets, wore grubby-looking clothes and a cloth cap, and walked with a shuffling gait.
-IainB (November 28, 2016, 01:40 AM)
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So, you're one of the lucky few who have met mouser face to face.

-cranioscopical (November 28, 2016, 05:02 PM)
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Yeah really! After all these years I'm starting to suspect Mouser is really a very sophisticated bot programmed by some clever software guy who goes by the nickname Fafhrd.   ;) ;D

Thank you, mouser, for having created DonationCoder and for helping to shape it into the wonderful community it has become over the years. :)
-Deozaan (November 29, 2016, 01:55 PM)
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+1  :Thmbsup:


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