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A bunch of games on Gog 'Connect' right now
There are a bunch of games listed on Gog connect ( right now, so you might be able to get some Steam games added to your Gog library if that's of interest to you.
Thanks! I hate that you have to be watching and claim them... I always forget unless someone reminds me.
Thanks! I hate that you have to be watching and claim them... I always forget unless someone reminds me.
-wraith808 (November 07, 2016, 04:11 PM)
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What's worse is that it doesn't even always help to watch them. I keep a tab open on the GOG Connect page and click "Refresh" (almost) every day so I don't miss anything. I did that today and it said there were no new games for me. Then I went to the GOG homepage and saw the announcement that were 20 "new" games added to GOG Connect. I went back to my open tab and Refresh still told me there were no new games. So I did a Ctrl-F5 refresh of the page and then the games showed up for me.
Now I'm left wondering if it's any use to keep that tab open that I've had open pretty much since GOG Connect was announced. :-\
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