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Looking for smartphone
He's trying to catch up to mouser's number of posts.
-4wd (September 30, 2017, 06:43 AM)
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Let's hope he's not :(
I recently picked up a refurbished LG V20 for cheap ($280 USD) and am really pleased with it. The removable battery was one of the key features for me. I also like that LG allows one to alter the "soft buttons" at the bottom of the screen, selecting which buttons and in what order they appear. It has 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage.
One downside is the circular power button on the back of the phone, in that without a case it is hard to find without looking. But a case will solve that annoyance.
One thing to know is that the top and bottom of the screen are slightly curved, meaning that a glass screen protector cannot cover the entire screen surface. That has not been an issue for me, however.
The removable battery was one of the key features for me. -irkregent (October 04, 2017, 11:19 AM)
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Do you keep a replacement battery in store? Or is there another argument for having a removable battery?
The removable battery was one of the key features for me. -irkregent (October 04, 2017, 11:19 AM)
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Do you keep a replacement battery in store? Or is there another argument for having a removable battery?
-Ath (October 04, 2017, 02:23 PM)
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Having one in store, and/or having the ability to do so, I'd think. If your battery unexpectedly has problems, you don't really have a choice other than to replace the entire phone on most current devices.
The removable battery was one of the key features for me. -irkregent (October 04, 2017, 11:19 AM)
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Do you keep a replacement battery in store? Or is there another argument for having a removable battery?
-Ath (October 04, 2017, 02:23 PM)
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Having a few spare, charged batteries available when I travel is a real plus. I can go longer without having the phone tethered to a wall socket. I recently went on a week-long camping trip, and with four spare batteries on hand (that combined still weighed less than an external phone-charging battery) I never needed to worry about trying to find some place to charge my phone overnight.
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