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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

EaseUS EverySync 3.0


EaseUS EverySync 3.0 is on Windows Deal

I am just curious if anyone is using it or a previous version?  btw I do not see any of the usual stuff about remaining time to download etc..  I put my order in about 10 minutes ago. So far no email.

But I am wondering if any of this more convenient cloud access stuff is really that much more convenient.  :)


thanks for the tip

the link for the (zip file) with the serial number appears in small font on the order page (no email was sent ;-)

just below the order item on the webpage where you entered your email address


I have many licenses for EaseUS BUT every time I get a FREEBIE it takes a couple of days until they tell me that the license is used on another computer.

Because of this - I pass.

Nonethe less, good luck to you.


thanks for the tip

the link for the (zip file) with the serial number appears in small font on the order page (no email was sent ;-)

just below the order item on the webpage where you entered your email address

-wjamoe (September 11, 2016, 12:49 PM)
--- End quote ---

Thanks.  I got it.  :)

I have many licenses for EaseUS BUT every time I get a FREEBIE it takes a couple of days until they tell me that the license is used on another computer.

Because of this - I pass.

Nonethe less, good luck to you.
-jadinolf (September 11, 2016, 05:43 PM)
--- End quote ---

Mine took the activation.  Unfortunately to work it needs to connect to the EaseUS web site and the college WiFi gives no dns for it.  Someone said it does that because it does not like the site certificate.  I have tried in the past to connect to anything EaseUS and it won't do it.  So much for that.  Since I do most of my WiFi-ification here I am rolling back RollbackRX to a previous snapshot.  :)

It did not look all that appealing anyway.  I would rather have something that worked with a full fledged two pane file manager.


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