News and Reviews > Newsletters
Super-sized Newsletter for Sep 18, 2016 - Codename: Catching Up with Cody
is the newsletter actually needed?
-techidave (November 02, 2016, 07:46 PM)
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It's not needed. This is evidenced by the sometimes long gaps of time between the "monthly" newsletters.
But as others have pointed out, the newsletter is very useful to the community here. :Thmbsup:
I like it. It provides good overview, reminds me of some good discussions, and points out if there was an interesting discussion I missed.
And people surely read it, since downloads for my Thunderbird cheasheet skyrocketed after the newsletter was posted.
And people surely read it, since downloads for my Thunderbird cheasheet skyrocketed after the newsletter was posted.
-Attronarch (November 06, 2016, 02:20 AM)
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yeah, there's always a surge in posting after a newsletter which is a nice thing
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