Software > Finished Programs
DONE: One Click File Extension Changer
In my work, I often change file extensions from one to the other, and then back again, and then back again, and so on.
I'd love to have a little AHK script that would do this:
If I select a file with an .epub extension in Explorer and press Ctrl+`, the file extension will change to .zip.
If I select a file with a .zip extension in Explorer and press Ctrl+`, the file extension will change to .epub.
I put in epub/zip and the hotkey Ctrl+` as examples. I figure a user would be able to adjust those things as needed.
Here's one way to do it via AutoHotkey. It should be pretty easy to follow so modify it as necessary.
--- Code: Autohotkey ---^`::{ ; Get the highlighted selection onto the clipboard and crack its path. Send, ^c myFile := Clipboard SplitPath, myFile, OutFileName, OutDir, OutExtension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive ; Determine current and new extensions. If ( OutExtension = "epub" ) { myExtension := "zip" } Else If ( OutExtension = "zip" ) { myExtension := "epub" } ; Check that the destination file doesn't already exist. If ! FileExist( OutDir . "\" . OutNameNoExt . "." . myExtension ) { ; Destination file does not exist so rename existing file with new extension. FileMove, % myFile, % OutDir . "\" . OutNameNoExt . "." . myExtension } Else { ; Destination file exists. Warn user and do nothing. MsgBox, Destination file already exists. Aborting... }}Return
Thanks, but no joy. I saved the code as "ExtSwitch.ahk", double-clicked that file, selected an .epub file, and pressed Ctrl + ` (the hotkey). Nothing happened; no error message, either.
Thanks, but no joy. I saved the code as "ExtSwitch.ahk", double-clicked that file, selected an .epub file, and pressed Ctrl + ` (the hotkey). Nothing happened; no error message, either.-pulphero (September 13, 2016, 07:05 PM)
--- End quote ---
I think I looked at your hotkey wrong and substituted an apostrophe for the backtick you had. Please recopy the code above and try it again.
Just tried it and it seems to work just fine.
It might take your Explorer a few seconds to refresh the list of files though, maybe a Ctrl-R/F5 press (refresh) might fix that?
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